10′ x 10′ Home Office – Simple White Desk

10′ x 10′ Home Office – Simple White Desk

A White Desk for Your Home Office

A white desk for your home office is a great addition. It’s simple and when clean gives you a clean slate to start your day. These beautiful white pieces allow you to choose your room color without a second thought. The arches on the bookshelf give the room a thoughtful look and allows for spotlight display of your more prized items.

Having Guests in Your Office?

If you expect to have guests in your office, add a few impressive guest chairs to your space.

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10'x10' Home Office with White Desk A

Desk Perpendicular to Window

Features: Guest Chairs, Credenza and Bookcases

10'x10' Home Office with White Desk B

Desk Facing the Door

Features: Guest Table, Chair and File Cabinet

Features: Ergonomic Design, Mesh Back Fabric

LAWSON 28″ Leather Chair

Features: Ergonomic Design